GMDX Group
Scotland's DX Association


Comprising nearly 200 members, mostly Scotland based, the group aims to promote DX and other competitive HF and VHF amateur radio activity in Scotland and beyond. Formed in 1993, the group sponsors DXpeditions and promotes many other activities of the hobby.


GMDX welcomes new members, not only in Scotland, but worldwide. Join Here.

GMDX 2024 Convention Photos

Gavin (GM0GAV), proud winner of a tactical telescopic pole.
The happy winner of the star prize, a Yaesu FTM-200D dual band radio.
Bob (MM1AWV) wins the speaker in the GMDX raffle. Pictured with GM0GAV.
GM3WOJ takes a turn at drawing a raffle number.
Eager anticipation as the raffle is called.
The raffle is drawn.
Nobby (G0VJG) presents on his recent activation of Rockall - Europe's rarest IOTA.
Geoff (MM5AHO) raffles the Begali Morse key to raise funds for GMDX.
WRTC 2026 takes place in England and Fred (G4BWP) is on the planning Committee.
Fred (G4BWP) presents on the forthcoming 2026 WRTC taking place in England.
Jim Glen (MM0GLM), winner of the Jock Kyle GM6WL award, could not be with us on the day.
Rob (GM3YTS) preparing to present the Jock Kyle GM6WL award.
Paul McLaren (MM0ZBH) being presented with the Jack Wylie GM5YG award by Rob (GM3YTS).
The Chairman (GM3YTS) presents one of the Scottish RSGB trophies, the Jack Wylie GM5YG trophy.
John (G4IRN), a prolific DXer and Contester, was invited to be a Referee at the last WRTC.
John G4IRN presents on his experiences as a WRTC Referee during the recent Italian-based WRTC.
PA3EWP spoke of the team's time on Swains Island, including dealing with rats and mosquitoes! They made over 89,000 QSOs over the DXpedition.
Ron (PA3EWP) presents on his recent DXpedition to Swains Island (W8S), a DXpedition supported by GMDX.
The Convention-goers during one of the presentations.
Geoff (MM5AHO) in his role as compère of the Convention. Please excuse the cheesy jokes!
Nathan (2M0OCC) and Michael (GM5AUG), the two members of the Committee who were born after GMDX was founded!
Coffee enjoyed during the break. Spot the DXers!
The crowds gather for the Convention. We were pleased to see a good number of members old and new.
Rob (GM3YTS) chairs the AGM.

Paul Godley Transatlantic Tests Centenary

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