GMDX Group
Scotland's DX Association

Summer VHF Activity Challenge 2024 - Results

Here are the final results of the GMDX Summer 2024 VHF Activity Challenge.  

A table with numbers and a number of squares Description automatically generated

Congratulations go to Gordon MM0GOR who has been the leader throughout the 2024 challenge. Gordon was active whenever I switched during this challenge so his persistence has paid dividends. He has a total of 479 x 6m squares and 8 x 4m squares for a total of 487.

Last years winner Martin GM8IEM is 2nd with 458 squares including 142 x 4m squares and 316 x 6m squares. Martin was handicapped for at least some of the challenge by his rotator refusing to turn so that is a tremendous effort.

Other notables. 

John GM4ATA managed an impressive 126 CW squares and Malcolm GM3TAL achieved 104 SSB squares.

Thanks to all for entering the challenge.

73 Gordon


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